航跡 – Description

航跡 – Description

Meteoroscape photography expressed the “Go through, even if crawling in the empty sky”

■ Description

“Shooting on iPhone” is an advertising phrase of Apple, but there are 2 sides in which the photo can only be taken on an iPhone, and anyone who buys iPhone can take it.

Of course, it is not approved as an advertisement otherwise. Differentiation from unbuyers of products and the equality of buyer gain. Who would buy the item without it?

However, this story is not limited to it. It’s about advertising on the whole.

Look at such glorious ethics of capitalist society, there is the emptiness that prevents the establishment of one’s ego. Because “individuality” does not work from the state that anyone can do, and there is a large amount.

And it’s the same with pictures of vapor trails. No matter how much you try to play with it in Photoshop, there may be no “personality” or it may not be worth seeing. You could duplicate it as much as you want.

But thinking about it, how far does our life deviate from this “duplicate-ability”? In this capitalist society where everything may be available for purchase.

So, as the aim of this project is to create “individuality” in the world filled with the “duplicate-ability”, that is the reason this work becomes the self-homage.

PREVIOUS:Photographic Works

■ Identification

Captured Date2018.11.11
Reproduction Limit5
ID Historykouseki,

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