それは「世界にひとつ」を探す旅 ———
■ The “Schrödinger’s cat” and its answer;
I’m a contemporary art artist. I create works with the theme of “the relationship between originals and reproductions”. One in the world is made by one individual. Therefore, how about fundraising? The reserve amount is published. It is said.
However, perhaps because it is difficult to understand and the sound is bad, “Is it a scam?”, “I see, it is a Ponzi scheme”, and “What the fxxk?”, they are likely to be said. Since it is faster for you to actually experience it, we are conducting regular exhibitions that will be trial versions from time to time.
However, as a possible explanation here, I would like to explain that I am trying differently from them, and then lead to the solution of the problem raised in the thought experiment called “Schrödinger’s Cat”.
Can we create “one in the world” individually?
1. Metaphysical and Physical
I think that there is a common problem in the problem of “making one in the world individually” and the thought experiment “Schrödinger’s cat”. To put it in a word,
“Metaphysical and physical differences are likely to be overlooked.”
That is. By the way, it is “Physical” to respond to this “Metaphysics”, and it is supplemented.
First of all, when it says physics, there is a dimension, right? The vertical length × width × height = three dimensions, and the universe is four-dimensional because the time is put in calculation. Did you know that this is actually a flight? This idea becomes the world of classical physics dominated by Newton.
It has been 100 years since Einstein overturned it with a theory of relativity. How to overturn it is that only the speed of light is universal, and time and space change relatively, and it often comes out in the story of the space relation.
Based on it, a black hole is predicted and it is actually observed. It’s like a doughnut hole, it’s happening in reality.
In other words, you can think of light velocity as a calculater and time and space are on the same plane. The vertical length × width × height is able to think as a matter on the plane of E=mc∧2, not to mention the time as well. From God’s point of view, we live in a universe on such a plane, and that is “physical”.
On the other, “metaphysics” does not exist in “physically” completely separately.
What is this metaphysical?
Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that examines the fundamental nature of reality, including the relationship[1] between mind and matter, between substance and attribute, and between potentiality and actuality.[2] – wikipedia “Metaphysics”
That is, it is a dimension composed of concepts and logic, not reliable physics. The circle can be drawn though the circumference rate is not infinitely decided, and the soccer ball rolls suddenly though the true ball does not touch the ground. Therefore, it is likely to be an empty theory on the desk.
However, the logic of “Metaphysics” responds the fact of “Physical” just like a mirror does.
For instance, science is study which observes the world of “Physical” if it says, and explores the law of “Metaphysics”. It is a technique to reproduce the law found on physics and make various things.
We who live in the physical plane observe the image of the metaphysical mirror reflected, and use it for daily life. That’s what happens.
2. Quantum computers has been “Physically” made.
Next, about “Schrödinger’s Cat”.
This is a story of the thought experiment that physicist Schrödinger thought about , that is, “Metaphysics”. I think stupid boys like me knew it well because they are useful for fictions and anime, but people who do not know may not have heard of it. I hope you google it for details, but in short, what Mr. Schrödinger wanted to say was
“There is no way that a cat’s condition is “superpositioned” between a dead state and a living state.”
No matter how probatic the behavior of quantum is, there is no way that cats will be in either “overlapping” state. Can the cat be transparent?
Meanwhile, modern physical scientists declared that the quantum computer was “Physically” constructed by the time when we talk about such a thing. Oh, my God!
3. What is “Superposition”?
~ Previous Story ~
Schrödinger is a genius who obtained a “wave equation” in which the behavior of electrons is not obtained by orbital calculations like planets orbiting the sun, but is a probability distribution.
But the wise man’s grandson who appeared there “It can be anywhere at the same time, does that mean “stacking”? The situation suddenly changes with the remark! A fellow cat trapped in a box has become off-white wandering the borders of life and death!
Schrödinger is forced to choose between helping the cat or discarding the wave equation and is in dire straits!
The masked knight Everett appeared there. By throwing in a rosy multi-world interpretation that the cat is to be parted between the living world line and the dead world line, many fiction lovers who were watching in the distance participated in the race with great joy, and the stage was in chaos!
At that time, however, the scientific armed group Google Sensei and other groups were illuminated by spotlights on the darkened stage, and it came up with a quantum computer that put “superposition” into practical use. ← absolutely strong
Well, don’t worry. It’s just a modification of the Past.
Simply put, Schrödinger wanted to say that there is no way that a cat can become “overlapping” between living state and a dead state, even in “metaphysics”, but “physically” “superpostion” has been put into practical use. Then is my cat transparent? The story is like this.
So I’d like to think about “superposition” again. How about watching Youtube video, the Hamamatsu Photonics’ “Young’s Interference Experiment by A Single Photon” (1982) It is beautifully visualized, showing photon, supposed to be in the state of the particle, makes the interference fringe which is the nature of the wave. Whether the use of the digital camera is bad, interference fringes often be visible in my photos as well.
Why is this? An idea hit me when I think back to Einstein’s story of the E=mc∧2 physical plane mentioned above, which time and space can be thought of as the same plane. That is particle and wave are essentially the same thing, but we are only changing our perspectives with preconceptions.
We may be minorities, who think that particles and waves are different, even though they are actually the same physical phenomenon.
For example, the state of “Superposition” can be said to be something like “failure” and “success”. Since each state seems to be completely different, “failure” and “success” are considered as separated, but the truth is what is actually happening is happening. It’s Que Sera, Sera.
Successful career sometimes turns out to be the source of fatal failure later on. Then you failed, but things unexpectedly lead to success again. Fortune and misfortune are intertwined. It’s the cosmic string theory.
4. Will the Schrödinger’s cat be in the state of “Superposition”?
This speculation may be a clue. However, I would like to proceed with the talk as such. Because the biggest question is the life and death of a cat trapped in a box. Will cats be “stacked”?
To conclude, I don’t think it’s going to be a “top-of-the-line.”
For example, “failure and success” is a very humble story, but what if you think about it at an exhibition?
Possibility 1. No one comes or sells.
Possibility 2. I’m glad that about one piece sold.
Possibility 3. The manager is arrested for innocent crimes and all the works are seized.
one of the possibilities. Then it could be said that failure and success means;
Failure : No one comes or sells
Success : I’m glad that all the pieces sold out.
You can define it this way. For computers, it is 0 or 1.
Nevertheless, the result should be more gradient. Such as; People came quite a bit, but they didn’t buy them; Works are sold out but to YAKUZAs. So we were accused when they found out that; and so on. If we could use Quantum computer, it might put the gradation condition in the calculation.
However, this layer of “failure and success” is the same from the viewpoint that the exhibition is being carried out safely. Because it is “overlapping”, it is not really so much a problem in either state. Even if I fail, I only have to reflect again and connect it to the next one.
In contrast,
Possibility 3. The manager is arrested for innocent crimes and all the works are seized.
When this is the case, it becomes not the “failure” of “failure and success”. It causes trouble to the people around you, and it creates doubts about the continuation of the project.
In other words, this is not just a “success/failure”, but a problem of layers that lead to the “life/death” of the exhibition. “Life/death” seems to have relationship with “success/failure”, but in reality it has a totally different dimension from that layer.
This state is very similar to the relationship between metaphysics and physics, which we first mentioned.
In addition, if this is observed a little more, does “Selective decision” play the same role as logic in the metaphysical side in the dimension which decides this “Life / death”? I think.
It is no one who “selective decisions” even if it is said, “Decision”. For example, it may be the police who are third parties, it may be the people around you, or I who is the author. Even if I choose to live, a third party may choose death, it may become dominant and respond as death on physics, and on the contrary, even if a third party chooses death, my choice to live will prevail and may respond as life on physics.
It is assumed that the dimension of such a “selective decision” is partially reflected and intersected with the physical plane.
Then, the “superpostioned” state of radium put into the box in the thought experiment and the life and death of the cat become problems with different dimensions. Micro and macro results in different results, and cats do not have to be transparent safely.
It is a world in which we are not a virtual being that is obscure, even life and death, but a world that has the will to “live” by our own power throughout our lives, or that we are made “alive” by someone or something.
… That’s my metaphysical hypothesis.
However, the mysterious force that works when transferring from quantum to macro has already been observed in Physics, and it is a so-called “Symmetry violation”. You can expect that perhaps the origin of Life is there.
5. The Place of “One and Only”
So, I talked about “Schrödinger’s Cat” at length. Why is that? Of course becauase, it could said that “Life” can be the “One in the World”. That is what we knew already. It’s high time to say that both you and I are “One in the World”. There’s nothing special about it, is it?
So the question is, how can a “work” that is not “Life” become “One in the World” on its own?
It is, of course, by the way to imitate “Life”.
First of all, there is the ideal way of “Metaphysics”. We define “Works” as something that have life and death. Details are described in the “original and reproduction” of the conceptual work, so the explanation is omitted. We must admit “Works” may take various forms in “Physical” plate, but We manipulate the logic of “Metaphysics” of these “Works”.
Is that possible? Some of you may refute but political events could be refered to as an example. If a primeminister decides to set the consumption tax to 10% from October and it is written into law like that, our lives will actually become a society with a consumption tax of 10%. It is because, the logical law of the “Metaphysics” is made to be reflected to the life of “Physical” with some force.
Therefore, if you want to create “physically, non-replicatable”, the most important thing is to create the logic that indicates that it cannot be replicated metaphysically. If it is possible, even if there are various problems, it means that it can respond to “physical” to some extent.
In addition to that, there is the “selective decision”. I think public fundraising is handy. Of course, I bet the “Works” are alive, but someone who decides it is anonymous.
The only thing I can say is that “Works” are gradually beginning to emerge the form of the “Life”.
… That’s what I feel every time I’ve had an exhibition.
PREVIOUS:Conceptual Works