バックグラウンド・ヒーロー – Description

バックグラウンド・ヒーロー – Description

Scenes of “Different kind of strength from what surpasses the other by force” based on Brown color

■ Description

“I’ll be Back!” – It’s the “Background Hero” as always.

Everybody loves Heroes. They live in any town, any countries. In Japan, most of them live in Tokyo, somone says. They meet villains there and move to somewhere open space for battle, and slash them with the big “Boooommm!!”

All right. This is the mind and form of “Zen”. You should know about it. Tokyo doesn’t have spare space for “Boooommm!!”s.

Godzilla? Just an exceptional.

The “somewhere open space” usually means rocky quarries located around Tokyo. Couple of hours drive away is handy. I’ve seen such a movie session performed once before.

These rocks are the backgound of those Hero Shows, which always endures a number of “Boooommm!!”s and maybe is the strongest of all times.

PREVIOUS:Graphic Works

■ Identification

Captured Date2015.04.22
Reproduction Limit2
ID Historytochigi, backgroundhero, backgroundhero_re, background_pf,
Notice“自若” is flipped for design.

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