創発展- Emergent Properties

Transfer (+etc. )results Mileage accrual: 106,781 yen

(target amount 300,000 yen / previous comparison change +11,900 yen : 23/03/14)

Project Meteroscape is planning an exhibition of “original” works (tentative name: Emergent Properties-Exhibition).

■ What’s this?

Q. What is the “Emergent Properties Exhibition” ?

A. It is an exhibition aimed at realizing that the nature beyond the simple sum of the nature of the part appears as a whole.

Emergent Properties mean “to conjoin” “twin characteristics of dependence and autonomy. It mediates between extreme forms of dualism, which reject the micro-dependence of some entities, and reductionism, which rejects macro-autonomy” – Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Similarly, this project is not only to publish photographs as works, but also to create a special situation throughout, and we hope that the above “Emergent Properties Exhibition” will be its milestone. And what we mean for the special situation is to be able to operate replicad things individually. In other words, it is to create “individuality”.

Q. Why are you accumulating transfer results?

A. This is because it is necessary to create “original” works.

Not only to call the work “original” by myself, but also to create a form that has the approval of an unspecified number of people. In addition, after the accumulated amount exceeds the target, the production size of the photograph work, which is being limited to the paper of A3+ now, goes unlimited.

Q. Are there any benefits to investors?

A. It’s not as directly benefiting you as so-called Cloud-Funding.

An exhibition will be held, and an opportunity will be given to transfer “original” works. That in itself creates value as a community. That’s your benefit, not just me.

I hope you think of the regular exhibition as a trial version.

Q. When will it be realized? How long do you plan to keep working on this project?

A. There is no deadline. It is expected to take a long time.

The universe emerged about 13.8 billion years ago in the so-called Big Bang. After that, the solar system was formed and the earth was formed about 4.6 billion years ago. A sphere of molten lava solidified as the temperature of the earth’s surface dropped, and a volcano broke through it from within, covering the earth’s surface with carbon dioxide and ammonia gas, which fell as rain and formed the primitive oceans 4 billion years ago. It took 200 million years for life to be born in the ocean.

Q. Do you deserve credit?

A. It’s up to you whether you trust it or not.

■ Reception Desk

1. Regular Exhibition

    regular exhibitions from time to time to build up sales there.

    “What’s New” for details on whether or not there will be an exhibition.

2.Sales of various products

    We also accumulate sales of goods sales that go beyond the boundaries of exhibitions and works.

    Details will be released as soon as the results are available.

PREVIOUS:Project Meteoroscape

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