アップデートを完了しました!/Website Updated!


大きく変わっている点としてはサイトの名前が「Meteoroscape Photographica」から「Meteoroscape」と短くなった点と、写真作品を二種類に分けた点、そしてConceptual Worksの項目を立ててより当プロジェクトの狙いを理解しやすい形に変えました。








The website has been successfully updated!

The major changes are that the name of the site has been shortened from “Meteoroscape Photographica” to “Meteoroscape”, the photo work is divided into two types, and Conceptual Works made our aim of this project more understandable.

As a detailed point, the transfer amount to the main creator “Itsuki” which had been (provisional) as the transfer information of reference up to now will all use up the frame, it may have been clearly stated that there is no physical and metaphysical.

There are other items that are not filled, but we will update them sequentially in the future.

And then there’s a serious point…

All past comment data is lost!

I don’t know right now if I can recover…

(The data is too huge (1.3GB) as the cause, so it cannot be uploaded.)

For the time being, the work is in the form of completion once.

Best regards!