隠遁者は思う – Description

Scenes of “they think of harmony” based on Brown color

■ Description

This photograph was taken around Iwashimizu Hachimangu. In an old essay, there is a story about a priest of Ninnaji going for warship to Ishishimizu Hachimangu Shrine. The story is like this;

Once upon a time, a certain priest who had worked in Ninnaji temple said to visit Ishishimizu Hachimangu Shrine for the first time. He visited the Gokuraku-ji temple and the Koura temple, returned, and said to the peer. “I was finally able to go where I was thinking of going. It’s a very nice place. But was there anything that everyone was climbing the mountain? I was curious, but I didn’t see it because the purpose of visit was just to show my worship.” – even for a day trip, we would like to have a guide beside us, wouldn’t we?

I want to point these out; it is not so far as the distance from Ninnaji to Ishishimizu Hachimangu Shrine though it is not likely to visit again because you need to cross a big river. After that, there is no “Goraku-ji Temple” in Iwashimizu Hachimangu. In addition, the mountain comes out. It is not written what the people climbed the mountain all together and was doing.

If this is a story that the tourist attraction which was missed was able to be seen and sighted if there was a guide, the priest of Ninnaji was sure to be completed as a religious person who is not interested in such vulgars. A person like him must have skipped it even if he had a guide. Because the author of this essay was also a priest, there seems to be no reason to apply stingi there, while he must have been able to differ the presence or absence of temples.

In a word, isn’t this the whole story a parable?

Then, when actually going, there is an observatory in the place beyond the main hall of Iwashimizu Hachimangu, and the scenery seen from there tell the meaning of this parable, which should be understood at once.

Then it is understood why the main character of this story was a priest of the temple named after “harmony”.

PREVIOUS:Graphic Works

■ Identification

Captured Date2017.3.20
Reproduction Limit3
ID Historyomou, omou_re,

ページ: 1 2



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