HAPPY HOLIDAYS! – Description

Scenes of “Peace to enjoy” based on Red and Green color

■ Description

It’s time to get older. This time, the scenery of winter…well,

Not quite!

They are photos of Hawaii Waikiki, the island of always in summer! Sounds good. Maybe too good so I stopped at a tropical shaved ice shop carelessly.

In the old days, I was very curious to read the article, “Wonders of the World – Hawaii is warm even in winter!!” But when I experience the situation, while removing the muffler, I found it is something that would be lightly convinced.

Meanwhile, Waikiki Beach is so famous for its landscapes of the Diamond head and the tourists who lie in front of them, but what is the Meteoroscape around it?

So, I took a lot of street photos.

As a way to spend time in Hawaii, it is widely recognized that you enjoy the atmosphere, I think you can take easily a picture of Meteoroscape no matter where you take the picture around the beach.

At Waikiki Beach, I heard, Santa Claus also enjoy surfing, so I tried to find him, but unfortunately I couldn’t find him probably because he spotted I wasn’t a good boy.

So, I made up street photos in red and green, which is a Christmas color.

Of course, the sky is turned into green because of my cheat by Photoshop, but red is the original because I looked for really red subjects and took them. If “Magic Hour” released at the same time is the BLUE side with the theme of “science”, this is the RED side that makes you think that a chance encounter is the joy of life.

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■ Identification

Captured Date2015.12.14他
Titlesサイン パレオ
トロリー 2C
パラソル トレーラー
サンセット ハンズ
ビーチサイドカフェ ポインセチア
パレオ オハナ
Reproduction Limit5
ID Historywaikiki, happy, happyholidays, happyholidays_re, happyholidays_pf,
NoticeA significant replacement has been executed when ID:happyholidays, and happyholidays_pf, was issued.

happyholidays: “ビーチサイドカフェ” and “パレオ” were added.

happyholidays_pf: “サイン” and “トロリー” were aborted. “パレオ” was renumbered “06” to 01, while “ビーチサイドカフェ” was renamed as “ルーフ” and renumbered to 07. “パラソル” to 08, “サンセット” to 09. “2C”, “トレーラー”, “ハンズ”, “ポインセチア”, “オハナ” were installed at the same time.

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